
Stretch & Strengthen Quads



Keep knees tog and hold the ankle while pushing your foot into your hand, not into your glutes.  Can be done standing or laying on a side on the floor.

 Or sit on your feet and put your hands behind you and lift your glutes off your feet. (not pictured)

Or if you cannot do the above, try scotching to the very edge of your chair, allow your knee and foot to touch the ground, then slowly inch your foot/ knee as far behind you as you can.  Do this while keeping your pelvis as straight as possible, you can try to tuck in your butt as that will help increase the stretch.



Start with your legs bent than slowly straighten your legs as much as possible, can do this with ankle weights. 

A wall squat: bend your knees to 90* with your back against the wall, try to stay here for 30-90 seconds, do this 5-10 times.

To challenge yourself, you can add in stability with a 1 legged squat, to challenge it further do this on a 1/2 ball.

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