
Stretch SCM & Strengthen Rhomboids

Stretch and Strengthen
 We are looking at these 2 muscles together because usually when people look at the computer or drive they have rounded shoulders, thus perpetuating weak rhomboids.  The head usually follows suit by falling slightly forward and down, giving the weak upper back and strong SCM and front neck and pec muscles.  This will help relieve headaches as well as upper neck, shoulder pain.   
SCM or the Sternocleigomastoid   

This muscle is used to rotate your head to the right and left as well as to bring your chin to your chest.  You can feel it pop out in the front of your neck when you look to the extreme right and left.

To Stretch this muscle:
1. Look to the extreme right
2. Tilt your head back, so you are looking at the ceiling keeping your head turned to the right
- Do the same on the other side.  

You can also work on this muscle yourself if you develop a headache, as this is one of the main culprits.
1. Put your thumb in the middle at the bottom of your neck, that chock-y point
2. Turn your head to the extreme right
3. The SCM will fall onto your thumb, use your fingers to completely wrap around it
4. Put you head back in alignment- looking straight forward
5. Use your thumb and fingers to work as much of the muscle as you can reach going up and down.
- Do the same for the other side

This can be done with any exercise that squeezes the shoulder blades together.
For instance the "row" action- there are variations on these machines at the gym but the end action for all of them is to squeeze the shoulder blades together and poke out the chest.
If you do not have access to the gym you can use a resistance band.  Hold on to both ends and hook the middle around a door knob, face the door, bring both elbows along side your side and squeeze your shoulder blades together in the back to finish the move.


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